Thursday, March 6, 2008

Insurance rate yet, for with improvement up-get

Straight 32 companies insurance of the eigenheimbesitzers lowered their premiums to standard, which is imposed by the Florida legislation last Kw_spring.

A representation, die that is formed the senate Kw_Banking and Insurance committee by the Florida Office Insurance the prescribed appearance those rate, meets on 17.6 percent of was market — percent or approximately 717,706 Those political guidelines of the eigenheimbesitzer rate by a average of nearly 22 cut, but several companies excludes — including condition farm, second largest insurers of the condition behind condition run the citizen Property Insurance Corp too.

Kw_report said no rate increases were approved.

However 24 companies have still die floating final rate of cuts, 31 were disapproved, or to disapprove and five their requests took received message back of the intention.

Some the rejected insurers plan refile. Others asked for an administrative Kw_hearing.

Die companies with floating archivings insure nearly 46 percent from market or to 1,89 million political guidelines, and struck a average rate acceptance of 11.1 percent before Die companies with rejected archivings more cover 32,5 percent from market or 1,33 million political guidelines and require average 12,8 percent increase.

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