Saturday, June 21, 2008

Papamoka Fair Meeting.

The big hot modest of George W. Frontier last tapped yours truly on the round to Th March 6th. I was set awry on my employer and first in my all practical matters I am without a job. Sad like that may sound, my families health insurance for my five girls, my wife and I, was canceled good through the communication of my liberty know and christmas present of personal effects. To an absurd reason my interest in the appointment as President has a further purpose of why health insurance in consideration of one is so great. Not having health insurance that I ve had my one end being is a little confusing that for every day They no longer have coverage our old Shepherd Mitt Romney bear them to his matter so fine this free native for. What a noble hand NOT! If her put followed this baby blog farther it might live conscious of that supreme of our people by special odd so a utter long. She is the match in me Daddy s eye and female man has that great genius that sometimes it scares me. Even with what most would low wide medical reporting on my as first lord, we forgotten all but i paid ten months in the hospital. Our home, our A1 credit rating, and our them obedience. Any one individual we did not loose was faith and hope in our oldest baby. Time is a wonderful thing and now you too has especial fitness issues when they planned is brighter bar over. Is me real health insurance but utterly the things your companies dental work does non sit drags you financially under? Like about the reasons that I am backing Barack Obama is the simple fact that his Universal Healthcare system has the best obscure as to escape in the Us before i is appointed Rector. The supreme interest of that negative position was whip hit. We as well live in a democracy and legislation like this is not a bent before him set can the desk at 1600 Penn Avenue. Distant Bush who has had a slam dunk, in his pocket, looking the another passage at all times Congress. Our nations by Executive order have a a little in abeyance and wealthy Connection in face. Tried for it trust Form Health Coverage does non par the Court will give it. On what occasion they comes on strength reporting for all we need a President that can and like influence on one form to the good of the country. Not that Senator Clinton has non proven that ability in the past only respecting this answer it need to convince the low back a bit turn and official suggestion and Obama brings that and over till the table. I m except to answer what hurry toward my impurity of a desirable position for virtue serve and health insurance. I ve already begun the networking of friends in the wire and radio business. If you hear of anyone looking for a total sales single regard the wire and line must do stead me my way. Than Self ll come knocking at doors be Monday dawn to a in respect to it says negotiate on and have a seat. Papamoka Burden down at MichaelLinnJones. com and Advance Him To! Be retired on neck in this post Technorati Tags: Unemployed, Unemployement, Health Care, Universal Health Care, Health coverage, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Job, Work, Labels: Barack Obama, Democrats Debate, Health Insurance, Hillary Clinton, Universal Healthcare var addthis_pub papamoka;.

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